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2020.07~至今 中国地质大学(武汉)             特任教授

2022.01~2023.12   香港科技大学              香江学者    合作导师:张利民教授

2020.07~2022.07   中国地质大学(武汉)       博士后      合作导师:龚文平教授


2018.11~2019.10   格勒诺布尔大学    岩土工程     联合培养博士研究生       导师:Daniel Dias教授

2016.09~2020.06   中南大学               隧道工程      博士                              导师:杨小礼教授

2013.09~2016.06  中南大学               矿业工程     硕士

2009.09~2013.06  中南大学               采矿工程     学士







[1] Li TZ, Zhang LM, Gong WP, Tang HM, Jiang RC. Initiation mechanism of landslides in cold regions: Role of freeze-thaw cycles. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences. 2024, 183: 105906

[2] Li TZ, Gong W, Zhu C, Tang H. Stability evaluation of gentle slopes in spatially variable soils using discretized limit analysis method: a probabilistic study. Acta Geotechnica. 2024:1-17.

[3] Tian X, Li TZ*, Gong WP. Temperature effect on the stability of 3D reinforced slopes under unsaturated flow conditions. Computers and Geotechnics. 2023;164:105771.

[4] Li TZ, Zhang LM, Gong WP, Tang HM. Cyclic freezing-thawing induced rock strength degradation, crack evolution, heave and settlement accounted for by a DEM model. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences. 2023;170:105498.

[5] Li TZ, Pan Q, Shen Z, Gong WP. Probabilistic Stability Analysis of a Tunnel Face in Spatially Random Hoek–Brown Rock Masses with a Multi-Tangent Method. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering. 2022;55:3545-3561.

[6] Li TZ, Gong WP, Tang HM, Zhang LM. A meshed kinematical approach for 3D slope stability analysis. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics. 2022;46:2913-2930.

[7] Li TZ, Pan Q, Dias D. Active learning relevant vector machine for reliability analysis. Applied Mathematical Modelling. 2021;89:381-399.

[8] Li TZ, Gong WP, Yang XL. Stability analysis of a non-circular tunnel face in soils characterized by modified Mohr-Coulomb yield criterion. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology. 2021;109:103785.

[9] Li TZ, Gong WP, Tang HM. Three-dimensional stochastic geological modeling for probabilistic stability analysis of a circular tunnel face. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology. 2021;118:104190.

[10] Zhu JQ, Li TZ*. Catastrophe theory-based risk evaluation model for water and mud inrush and its application in karst tunnels. Journal of Central South University. 2020;27:1587-1598.

[11] Li ZW, Li TZ*, Yang XL. Three‐dimensional active earth pressure from cohesive backfills with tensile strength cutoff. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics. 2020;44:942-961.

[12] Li TZ, Yang XL. Stability of plane strain tunnel headings in soils with tensile strength cut-off. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology. 2020;95:103138.

[13] Li TZ, Yang XL. New approach for face stability assessment of tunnels driven in nonuniform soils. Computers and Geotechnics. 2020;121:103412.

[14] Li TZ, Yang XL. Face failure potential of a circular tunnel driven in anisotropic and nonhomogeneous soils. International Journal of Geomechanics. 2020;20:04020112.

[15] Li TZ, Dias D, Li ZW. Failure potential of a circular tunnel face under steady-state unsaturated flow condition. Computers and Geotechnics. 2020;117:103231.

[16] Li TZ, Dias D. Tunnel face reliability analysis using active learning Kriging model—Case of a two-layer soils. Journal of Central South University. 2019;26:1735-1746.

[17] Li TZ, Yang XL. Probabilistic analysis for face stability of tunnels in Hoek-Brown media. Geomechanics and Engineering. 2019;18:595.

[18] Li TZ, Yang XL. Face stability analysis of rock tunnels under water table using Hoek-Brown failure criterion. Geomechanics and Engineering. 2019;18:235.

[19] Li TZ, Yang XL. Three-dimensional face stability of shallow-buried tunnels with tensile strength cut-off. Computers and Geotechnics. 2019;110:82-93.

[20] Li TZ, Yang XL. An efficient uniform design for Kriging-based response surface method and its application. Computers and Geotechnics. 2019;109:12-22.

[21] Li TZ, Yang XL. 3D rotational failure mechanism of tunnel face in weathered and saturated Hoek-Brown rock masses. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering. 2019;23:2723-2732.

[22] Li TZ, Yang XL. Risk assessment model for water and mud inrush in deep and long tunnels based on normal grey cloud clustering method. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering. 2018;22:1991-2001.

[23] Li TZ, Yang XL. Probabilistic stability analysis of subway tunnels combining multiple failure mechanisms and response surface method. International Journal of Geomechanics. 2018;18:04018167.

[24] Li TZ, Yang XL. Reliability analysis of tunnel face in broken soft rocks using improved response surface method. International Journal of Geomechanics. 2018;18:04018021.

[25] Li TZ, Li YX, Yang XL. Rock burst prediction based on genetic algorithms and extreme learning machine. Journal of Central South University. 2017;24:2105-2113.

[26] Li TZ, Yang XL. Limit analysis of failure mechanism of tunnel roof collapse considering variable detaching velocity along yield surface. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences. 2017;100:229-237.


[1] Zhao F, Gong W, Ren T, Chen J, Tang H, Li TZ. Permafrost Stability Mapping on the Tibetan Plateau by Integrating Time-Series InSAR and the Random Forest Method. Remote Sensing. 2023;15:2294.

[2] Zhang S, Gong W, Wu Q, Li TZ, Zhao X. Experimental studies on dynamic and static properties of sand during repeated liquefaction events. Acta Geotechnica. 2023:1-19.

[3] Li B, Tang HM, Gong WP, Cheng Z, Li TZ, Wang L. Numerical study of the runout behavior of the Kamenziwan landslide in the Three Gorges Reservoir region, China. Landslides. 2022:1-14.

[4] Gong WP, Tian S, Wang L, Li Z, Tang HM, Li TZ, Zhang L. Interval prediction of landslide displacement with dual-output least squares support vector machine and particle swarm optimization algorithms. Acta Geotechnica. 2022;17:4013-4031.

[5] Zhao C, Gong WP, Li TZ, Juang CH, Tang HM, Wang H. Probabilistic characterization of subsurface stratigraphic configuration with modified random field approach. Engineering Geology. 2021;288:106138.

[6] Li Z, Gong WP, Li TZ, Juang CH, Chen J, Wang L. Probabilistic back analysis for improved reliability of geotechnical predictions considering parameters uncertainty, model bias, and observation error. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology. 2021;115:104051.

[7] Li ZW, Yang XL, Li TZ. Static and seismic stability assessment of 3D slopes with cracks. Engineering Geology. 2020;265:105450.

[8] Li ZW, Yang XL, Li TZ. Face stability analysis of tunnels under steady unsaturated seepage conditions. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology. 2019;93:103095.

[9] Wang XM, Li TZ, Chen QS, Yang W, Li H. Filling way optimization based on variable weight theory and TOPSIS. J. Central South Univer. 2016;47:198-203.


[1] 国家自然科学基金面上项目(42477149),考虑地质模型不确定性的库岸滑坡水动力过程与变形失稳机理研究,2025.01-2028.12,负责人。

[2] 国家自然科学基金青年基金(42102321),基于机器学习代理模型的非均质边坡可靠度评价方法研究,2022.01 - 2024.12,负责人;

[3] 国家重点研发计划子课题(2023YFC3007005),滑坡防治工程可靠性原位检测关键技术装备研发,2023.11-2026.10,子课题负责人;

[4] 香江学者计划项目(XJ2021045),高原峡谷区内外动力耦合致灾机理,2022.01 -2023.12,负责人;

[5] 湖北省自然科学基金面上项目,鄂西山区公路边坡变形演化机理与加固性能优化研究,2024.03-2026.03,负责人;

[6] 武汉市知识创新专项曙光计划项目,地震载荷作用下路基边坡破坏机理研究,2023.06-2025.06,负责人;

[7] 中国博士后科学基金面上项目(2020M682524)考虑地质模型不确定性的滑坡变形破坏机理研究,2020.09 - 2022.08,负责人;

[8] 湖北省博士后创新研究岗位,地震多发地区三维滑坡变形破坏机理研究,2020.07 –2022.06,负责人;

[9] 深长隧道突水突泥多元信息特征与综合预测理论(2013CB036004)2013.01~2017.12国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划),参与。






ASCE International Journal of GeomechanicsComputers and Geotechnics、《Engineering Geology》、Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment




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