
发布时间:Dec 29, 2023点击量:

崔国栋,特任教授,博士生导师,国际期刊Journal of Energy Engineering副主编,国际著名期刊Gondwana ResearhEnergy Reports客座主编,中国石油大学学报和地质科技通报青年编委。近五年,主持或参与国家重点研发计划、国家自然科学基金和省市自然科学基金等10余项,以第一作者发表CO2地质封存及地热开发论文30余篇,其中ESI高被引论文6篇,中科院一区论文8篇。研究工作成果被Renewable Energy Global Innovations作为Key Scientific Article进行了特别报道,促进了CO2地质封存和资源化利用研究进展。




•邮箱:cuiguodong@cug.edu.cn/ cgdcui@163.com












2023.11 至今             教授(特任)    中国地质大学(武汉) KAIYUN「中国大陆」官方网站

2019.09 2023.11        副教授  中国地质大学(武汉) KAIYUN「中国大陆」官方网站

2017.11 2018.11        访问学者            苏黎世联邦理工学院(全球top10)地球科学院



2017.11 2018.11  访问学者             苏黎世联邦理工学院     地球科学院      导师:Martin O. Saar

2013.09 2019.06      博士研究生 中国石油大学(华东) 石油KAIYUN「中国大陆」官方网站  导师:任韶然

2009.09 2013.07       本科  中国石油大学(华东) 石油KAIYUN「中国大陆」官方网站  导师:任韶然



  1. 2021 – 至今      国际期刊Journal of Energy Engineering(IF=2.04)副主编

  2. 2021 – 至今      国际顶刊Gondwana Research(地大T2期刊、中科院一区、IF=6.051)专题Subsurface Energy客座主编(编辑成员:崔国栋、庞忠和、王贵玲、王香增、Bo Ren)

  3. 2022– 至今       国际期刊Energy Reports(中科院二区、IF=6.87)专题Carbon Storage and Utilization客座主编

  4. 2013 — 至今    Society of Petroleum Engineers会员、中国地质协会会员、中国可再生能源协会会员

  5. 2015 — 至今    国际期刊:Joule、Applied Energy、Energy、Geothermics、Journal of CO2 Utilization、Geothermics、Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering等期刊审稿人

  6. 2015 — 至今    国内期刊:石油勘探与开发、石油学报、高校化学工程学报 等期刊审稿人






  1. 深部咸水层CO2封存与H2储存动态机制及差异分析。毕业论文,指导教师。

  2. 地下超临界CO2热能储存-开发一体化能效分析。毕业论文,指导教师。

  3. 咸水层CO22泄露后运移特征及毛管力圈闭机制。毕业论文,指导教师。

  4. 干热岩粗糙裂隙CO2渗流换热机制研究。毕业论文,指导教师。

  5. 低固结砂岩储层地热水回灌流动反应机制及对采热的影响。毕业论文,指导教师。

  6. 高含水废弃油藏CO2地质封存中泄露风险分析及评估。大学生创新创业训练项目,指导教师。

  7. 基于CO2的干热岩粗糙单裂隙渗流换热机制研究。大学生创新创业训练项目,指导教师。

  8. 海域浅层水合物水平井开采-砂防及优化研究。大学生创新创业训练项目,指导教师。

  9. 干热岩地热开发技术-经济一体化模型及国内开发评估。大学生创新创业训练项目,指导教师。

  10. 砂岩储层采热过程中砂粒运移机制及不同携热介质对比。大学生创新创业训练项目,指导教师。

  11. 循环冷冲击下干热岩损伤机理及裂隙发育规律研究。教学实验室开放基金项目,指导教师。

  12. 水与CO2携热介质回灌过程中砂粒运移及储层物性变化特征。教学实验室开放基金项目,指导教师。

  13. 热-流作用下干热岩微裂隙发育特征及热力学定量表征。教学实验室开放基金项目,指导教师。



  1. 2023  中国地质大学青年拔尖人才

  2. 2022   中科院一区期刊Geoscience Frontiers全年最佳论文奖及金牌

  3. 2019 中国地质大学青年优秀人才

  4. 2019  中国石油大学石油KAIYUN「中国大陆」官方网站院长奖特等奖

  5. 2019  中国石油大学校优秀博士论文

  6. 2017  国际Eni Award提名奖




    h指数:          22

    i10指数:       35




  1. Guodong Cui, Zhe Hu, Yanyong Wang, Rui Wang. Migration characteristics and local capillary trapping Mechanism after the CO2 leakage out of saline aquifers. 2024, Fuel, 356:129347.

  2. 崔国栋, 胡哲, 宁伏龙, 王延永, 焦玉勇.  咸水层毛管力圈闭机制及对非纯CO2封存效率的影响. 煤炭学报, 2023, 48(7): 2791-2801

  3. Guodong Cui, Zhe Hu, Fulong Ning, Shu Jiang, Rui Wang. A review of salt precipitation during CO2 injection into saline aquifers and its potential impact on carbon sequestration projects in China. Fuel, 2023, 334: 126615.


  4. Guodong Cui *, Fulong Ning, Bin Dou, et al. Particle migration and formation damage during geothermal exploitation from weakly consolidated sandstone reservoirs via water and CO2 recycling. Energy, 2022: 122507. (IF=7.147, 高被引)


  5. Guodong Cui*, Lihong Zhu, Qiucheng Zhou, ShaoranRen, JingyinWang. Geochemical reactions and their effect on CO2 storage efficiency during the whole process of CO2 EOR and subsequent storage. Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 2021, 108, 103335. (IF 3.639热点)

  6. Guodong Cui*, Lihong Yang, Jichao Fang, Zhichao Qiu, Yuting Wang, Shaoran Ren. Geochemical reactions and their influence on petrophysical properties of ultra-low permeability oil reservoirs during water and CO2 flooding. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2021, 203, 108672. ( IF 3.709)


  7. Guodong Cui*, Yi Wang, Zhenhua Rui*, Bailian Chen, Shaoran Ren*, LiangZhang. Assessing the combined influence of fluid-rock interactions on reservoir properties and injectivity during CO2 storage in saline aquifers, Energy, 2018, 155: 281-296. (SCI一区, IF 6.082, citation 59, 高被引)

  8. 崔国栋, 潘众, 杨昌华, 许艳梅, 张亮, 汪毅, 任韶然*. 盐水层CO2埋存时岩石流体综合作用及对选址影响 [J]. 高校化学工程学报, 2018, 32(3): 696-707EI


  9. Liang Zhang, Xi Li, Yin Zhang, Guoodng Cui, et al. CO2 injection for geothermal development associated with EGR and geological storage in depleted high-temperature gas reservoirs. Energy, 2017, 123: 139-148.

  10. 崔国栋, 张亮, 任韶然*, 章杨. 油藏 CO2 驱及封存过程中地化反应特征及埋存效率 [J]. 中国石油大学学报自然科学版,2017, 41(6): 123-131. (EI


  11. Liang Zhang, Xi Li, Bo Ren, Guodong Cui, et al. CO2 storage potential and trapping mechanisms in the H-59 block of Jilin oilfield China. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 2016, 49: 267-280

  12. 任韶然*, 崔国栋, 李德祥, 庄园, 李欣, 张亮. 注超临界CO2开采高温废弃气藏地热机制与采热能力分析 [J]. 中国石油大学学报自然科学版,2016, 40(2): 91-98. (EI)




  13. Guodong Cui *, Zheng Niu, Fulong Ning, et al. High-temperature hydrothermal resource exploration and development: comparison with oil & gas resource. Gondwana Research, 2023, 122: 306-314


  14. 崔国栋, 任韶然, 裘智超, 张亮. 低渗废弃气藏注超临界CO2采热发电技术及经济性分析. 石油学报, 2022, 43(1): 156-166.

  15. Guodong Cui *, Fulong Ning, Bin Dou, et al. Particle migration and formation damage during geothermal exploitation from weakly consolidated sandstone reservoirs via water and CO2 recycling. Energy, 2022: 122507. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.energy.2021.122507. (IF=7.147, 高被引)

  16. Guodong Cui *, Wenxiong Wang, Bin Dou, et al. Geothermal Energy Exploitation and Power Generation via a Single Vertical Well Combined with Hydraulic Fracturing. Journal of Energy Engineering, 2022, 148(1): 04021058. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)EY.1943-7897.0000809. (IF= 2.040, 高被引)


  17. Guodong Cui*, Shufeng Pei, Zhenhua Rui, Bin Dou, FulongNing, JiaqiangWang. Whole process analysis of geothermal exploitation and power generation from a depleted high-temperature gas reservoir by recycling CO2. Energy, 2021, 217: 119340. (IF 6.082, 高被引)https://doi.org/10.1016/j.energy.2020.119340

  18. Guodong Cui*, Shaoran Ren, Bin Dou, Fulong Ning. Geothermal energy exploitation from depleted high-temperature gas reservoirs by recycling CO2: the superiority and existing problems. Geoscience Frontiers, 2021, 12(6), 101078. (IF 4.202, 高被引、热点) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gsf.2020.08.014


  19. Yi Wang, Liang Zhang, Guodong Cui, et al. Geothermal development and power generation by circulating water and isobutane via a closed-loop horizontal well from hot dry rocks[J]. Renewable Energy, 2019, 136: 909-922. (SCI二区)


  20. Guodong Cui*, Shaoran Ren, Zhenhua Rui*, Justin Ezekiel, Liang Zhang*, Hongsheng Wang. The influence of complicated fluid-rock interactions on the geothermal exploitation in the CO2 plume geothermal system. Applied Energy, 2018, 227: 49-63. (SCI一区, IF 8.848, citation 97, 高被引)

  21. Guodong Cui*, Shaoran Ren, Liang Zhang, Yi Wang, Panfeng Zhang. Injection of supercritical CO2 for geothermal exploitation from single- and dual-continuum reservoirs: Heat mining performance and salt precipitation. Geothermics, 2018, 73: 48-59. (SCI二区, IF 2.693, citation 2)


  22. Guodong Cui*, Liang Zhang, Chunyang Tan, Shaoran Ren*, Yuan Zhuang, Chioma Enechukwu. Injection of supercritical CO2 for geothermal exploitation from sandstone and carbonate reservoirs: CO2–water–rock interactions and their effects. Journal of CO2 Utilization, 2017, 20: 113-128. (SCI二区, IF 5.503, citation 29)

  23. Guodong Cui*, Shaoran Ren*, Liang Zhang, Justin Ezekiel, Chioma Enechukwua, Yi Wang, RuiZhang. Geothermal exploitation from hot dry rocks via recycling heat transmission fluid in a horizontal well. Energy, 2017, 128: 366-377. (SCI一区, IF 4.968, citation 31)


  24. Guodong Cui, Liang Zhang, Bo Ren, Chioma Enechukwu, Yanmin Liu, Shaoran Ren*. Geothermal exploitation from depleted high temperature gas reservoirs via recycling supercritical CO2: Heat mining rate and salt precipitation effects. Applied Energy, 2016, 183: 837-852. (SCI一区, IF 7.900, citation 18)

  25. Liang Zhang*, Guodong Cui, Yin Zhang, Bo Ren, Shaoran Ren, Xiaohui Wang. Influence of pore water on the heat mining performance of supercritical CO2 injected for geothermal development. Journal of CO2 Utilization, 2016, 16: 287-300. (SCI二区, IF 5.503, citation 19)

  26. 崔国栋, 任韶然, 张亮*, 庄园, 王延永, 宫智武, 苏帅杰. 二氧化碳羽流地热系统中地层水回流和岩石-流体作用对采热能力的影响 [J]. 高校化学工程学报, 2016, 30(5): 1043-1052. EI

  27. 任韶然*, 崔国栋, 李德祥, 庄园, 李欣, 张亮. 注超临界CO2开采高温废弃气藏地热机制与采热能力分析 [J]. 中国石油大学学报自然科学版,2016, 40(2): 91-98. (EI)




  28. Guodong Cui *, Zheng Niu, Fulong Ning, et al. High-temperature hydrothermal resource exploration and development: comparison with oil & gas resource. Gondwana Research, 2023, 122: 306-314


  29. Fulong Ning , Qiang Chen, Jiaxin Sun, Xiang Wu , Guodong Cui, et al. Enhanced gas production of silty clay hydrate reservoirs using multilateral wells and reservoir reformation techniques: Numerical simulations. Energy, 2022, 254: 124220.

  30. Chaofan Zhu, Wei Guo, Yonghong Sun, Guodong Cui. Reaction mechanism and reservoir simulation study of the high-temperature nitrogen injection in-situ oil shale process: A case study in Songliao Basin, China. Fuel, 2022, 316: 123164.

  31. Guodong Cui *, Liu T, Xie J, et al. A review of SAGD technology development and its possible application potential on thin-layer super-heavy oil reservoirs. Geoscience Frontiers, 2022: 101382. (IF 4.202)


  32. Bo Han, Guodong Cui, Yanqin Wang, Jichao Zhang, Zhiwei Zhai, Yue Shi, Fangping Yan, Wei Li. Effect of fracture network on water injection huff-puff for volume stimulation horizontal wells in tight oil reservoir: ield test and numerical simulation study. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2021, 207: 109106. (IF=3.738))

  33. Guodong Cui*, Lihong Zhu, Qiucheng Zhou, ShaoranRen, JingyinWang. Geochemical reactions and their effect on CO2 storage efficiency during the whole process of CO2 EOR and subsequent storage. Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 2021, 108, 103335. (IF 3.639热点) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijggc.2021.103335

  34. Guodong Cui*, Lihong Yang, Jichao Fang, Zhichao Qiu, Yuting Wang, Shaoran Ren. Geochemical reactions and their influence on petrophysical properties of ultra-low permeability oil reservoirs during water and CO2 flooding. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2021, 203, 108672. ( IF 3.709) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.petrol.2021.108672

  35. Ruyi Zheng, Shuxia Li, Guodong Cui, et al. Determining the Controlling Mechanisms of Hydrate Dissociation Front Using Optimized Characteristic Time. Fuel, 2021, 298: 120805. (IF 5.578)


  36. Shufeng Pei, Guodong Cui*, Yanyong Wang, et al. Air assisted in situ upgrading via underground heating for ultra heavy oil: Experimental and numerical simulation study. Fuel, 2020, 279: 118452. ( IF 5.578)


  37. Yunkai Ji, Jian Hou, Guodong Cui, et al. Experimental study on methane hydrate formation in a partially saturated sandstone using low-field NMR technique. Fuel, 2019, 251: 82-90. (SCI二区)

  38. Lijuan Huang, Yanyong Wang, Sshufeng Pei, Guodong Cui, et al. Effect of elevated pressure on the explosion and flammability limits of methane-air mixtures[J]. Energy, 2019, 186: 115840. (SCI一区)

  39. Yi Wang, Liang Zhang, Guodong Cui, et al. Geothermal development and power generation by circulating water and isobutane via a closed-loop horizontal well from hot dry rocks[J]. Renewable Energy, 2019, 136: 909-922. (SCI二区)

  40. Panfeng Zhang, Guangyi Bai, Guodong Cui, et al. Enhanced CO2 foam based on amide and amine surfactants and synergistically coupled with sodium dodecyl sulfate at high temperature and high pressure[J]. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2019, 179: 266-275. (SCI三区)


  41. Shufeng Pei, Yanyong Wang, Liang Zhang, Lijuan Huang, Guodong Cui, et al. An innovative nitrogen injection assisted in-situ conversion process for oil shale recovery: Mechanism and reservoir simulation study. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2018, 171: 507-515.


  42. Liang Zhang, Xi Li, Yin Zhang, Guoodng Cui, et al. CO2 injection for geothermal development associated with EGR and geological storage in depleted high-temperature gas reservoirs. Energy, 2017, 123: 139-148.


  43. 崔国栋, 任韶然, 张亮,任博, 庄园, 李欣, 韩波, 张攀锋. 高温气藏地层水蒸发盐析规律及对产能的影响[J]. 石油勘探与开发, 2016, 43(5): 749-757. SCI三区, IF 2.065)

  44. Guodong Cui, Liang Zhang, Bo Ren, Chioma Enechukwu, Yanmin Liu, Shaoran Ren*. Geothermal exploitation from depleted high temperature gas reservoirs via recycling supercritical CO2: Heat mining rate and salt precipitation effects. Applied Energy, 2016, 183: 837-852. (SCI一区, IF 7.900, citation 18)


  45. Guodong Cui, Liang Zhang, Shaoran Ren*. Assessment of heat mining rate for geothermal exploitation from depleted high-temperature gas reservoirs via recycling supercritical CO2. Energy Procedia, 2017, 105: 875-880.

  46. Guodong Cui*, Liang Zhang, Shaoran Ren. Combined effects of geochemical reactions and salt precipitation on geothermal exploitation in the CPG system. Energy Procedia, 2017, 105: 1276-1281.

  47. Guodong Cui, Liang Zhang, Bo Ren, Yuang Zhuang, Xin Li, Shaoran Ren, Xiaohui Wang. Geothermal exploitation with considering CO2 mineral sequestration in high Temperature depleted gas reservoir by CO2 injection. 2015, Carbon Management Technology Conference, USA.

  48. Liang Zhang, Xi Li, Bo Ren, Guodong Cui, et al. Preliminary assessment of CO2 storage potential in the H-59 block in Jilin oilfield CCS project. 2015, Carbon Management Technology Conference, USA.

  49. Zhiwu Gong, Shaoran Ren, Liang Zhang,Guodong Cui, Yanyong Wang. Shallow Gas and Shallow Water Flow Induced by Natural Gas Hydrate Dissociation in Deep Water Sediments. 1-4 May, 2017, Offshore Technology Conference, Houston, Texas, USA.

  50. Liang Zhang, Dexiang Li, Bo Ren, Guodong Cui, et al. Potential assessment of CO2 geological storage in geothermal reservoirs associated with heat mining: Case studies from China. Energy Procedia, 2014, 63: 7651-7662.




  1. 程万, 崔国栋, 方长亮, 王荣璟. 一种多簇射孔压裂暂堵球可视化运移模拟实验装置. 专利号:ZL202010555797.7

  2. 张亮, 崔国栋, 庄园, 许素丹, 杨若涵, 任韶然. 一种注CO2开采废弃高温气藏地热的工艺方法. 专利编号:ZL201610231370.5

  3. 张亮, 崔国栋, 李欣, 任韶然. 注超临界CO2开采干热岩地热的预防渗漏工艺. 专利编号:ZL201410804911.X

  4. 崔国栋, 张亮, 庄园, 任韶然. 一种单井压裂重力自循环开采干热岩地热方法. 申请号:201610231370.5

  5. 崔国栋, 任韶然, 张亮, 庄园, 张锐. 一种利用长水平井自循环开采致密干热岩地热能的方法. 申请号:201610231296.7

    张亮, 崔国栋, 任韶然, 许素丹, 杨若涵. 一种利用地下热虹吸自循环开采干热岩地热方法. 申请号:CN201610231058.6




  1. 咸水层CO2注入过程中井周盐析-运移-堵塞机制研究。负责人,国家自然科学基金

  2. 东非高温裂隙热储渗流换热机制及开发预测模型。负责人,湖北省重点研发计划

  3. 低温相变流体冷冲击-流压协同致裂干热岩机质。负责人,武汉市知识创新专项

  4. 基于流体相变的干热岩冷冲击-流压协同致裂机制研究。负责人,广东省基础与应用基础研究基金

  5. 干热岩冷冲击损伤作用下裂隙渗流传热机制研究。负责人,湖北省自然科学基金

  6. 非均质毛管力下CO2反应流动封存机制及羽流发育特征。负责人,CCUS重点实验室

  7. 干热岩损伤致裂机理及对裂隙渗流-传热的影响。负责人,非常规油气开发教育部重点实验室课题

  8. 低渗砂岩储层注CO2采热过程中地层水回流机制及分析。负责人,地下水资源与环境教育部重点实验室课题

  9. 中国地质大学杰出人才培育基金。负责人,中央高校基本科研业务经费

  10. 意大利Apennines地区深部CO2潜在运移机制—地热对流及其影响。负责人,国家留学基金委资助

  11. 注超临界CO2开采地热及地质埋存:岩石流体作用及其影响。负责人,中央高校基本科研业务经费

  12. 利用 CO2循环开采高温废弃气藏地热机制及潜力评价研究。技术负责人,国家自然科学基金




  1. 2023    主持“第八届青年地学论他”专题“CO2地质封存与利用”,武汉

  2. 2022    2022年度中国可持续发展研究会学术年会暨第一届中国碳捕集利用与封存技术大会,杭州.

  3. 2021    2021地热能产业前言技术创新大会, 合肥.

  4. 2020    第三届全国油田地热资源开发与利用研讨会, 北京.

  5. 2020    中国深部地热论坛2020, 武汉.

  6. 2018 9th European Geothermal PhD Days. Zurich, Switzerland, 14 – 16 March 2018.

  7. 2016    The 8th International Conference on Applied Energy – ICAE2016, Beijing, China, 8-11 October, 2016.

  8. 2015    Carbon Management Technology Conference held in Sugarland, Texas, USA, 17–19 November 2015.


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