
发布时间:Oct 17, 2022点击量:

沈鹿易Luyi Shen


Luyi Shen Ph.D., P. Geo( Alberta, Canada

Professor, Department of Underground Space Engineering

Email: shenluyi@cug.edu.cn or luyi@ualberta.ca

微信WeChat: LuyiWShen


Job/Graduate study opportunities: I’m looking for aspired students (as either graduate student or post-doctorate researcher) to join the team. Potential projects include: using ML/AI for spatial-temporal mining induced earthquake analysis; advanced seismic survey techniques for tunnel/urban underground space development; developing next-gen geophysical survey tools with 5G/Laser/DAS technologies.


Before recently joining China University of Geosciences, Dr. Luyi Shen is an energy industry veteran who had being mostly working on the development of Western Canada’s unconventional energy resources. Presently, he is working on using geophysical techniques to solve challenges faced by deep mining and urban underground space development works.


Education/Alma mater:

B.Sc. w. honor (2007-2011); University of Alberta

M.Sc. (2011 – 2013); University of Alberta

Ph.D. (2016 – 2021); University of Alberta

阿尔伯塔大学地球物理学博士,2016– 2021

导师Prof. Douglas Ray Schmitt


  • Duvernay非常规油气层的地应力量化测定

  • 水力压裂相关的断层平面的滑动趋势分析

阿尔伯塔大学,地球物理学,硕士 2011 - 2012

  • 导师Dr. Yu Jeffery Gu


  • 阿尔伯塔盆地基岩的地震波速度结构与成像

  • 区域台站地震监测网络的部署、维护和开发

阿尔伯塔大学,计算科学,学士 (w. Honor2008-2010


Professional Services:

University of Alberta 2009-2012; Research Assistant

Energy Resource Conservation Board (Alberta, Canada) 2010– 2012; Casual research student

Alberta Energy Regulator (Canada) 2013– 2020; Geophysicist

Alberta Energy Regulator (Canada) 2020 – 2021.12; Senior Geophysicist, Geomechanics

Faculty of Engineering, China Univ. of Geosciences; 2022. 2 – present; Professor

Selected Publications (star(*) denotes the corresponding author):

Dong, X., Shen, L.*, Liu, B., Cui, L., Ostadhassan, M., Pan, Z. and Li, H., 2022. Fracture’s Impact on the Recovery of Hydrocarbon from Low-Permeability Rock’s Pores: New Insights from 1H Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Experiment. SPE Journal, pp.1-13.

*Shen, L., Schmitt, D. R., Wang, R., and Hauck, T., 2021. States of in-situ stress in the Duvernay East Shale Basin and Willesden Green of Alberta, Canada: variable in-situ stress states effect fault stability. revision submitted, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth.

*Shen, L., and Playter, T., 2021. Determining TI rock's static elastic moduli with cylindrical plugs: shortfalls, challenges and expected outcomes. Geophysics, 86, 3, 1-59.

Dong, X., *Shen, L., Golsanami, N., Liu, X., Sun, Y., Wang, F., Shi, Y. and Sun, J., 2020. How N2 injection improves the hydrocarbon recovery of CO2 HnP: An NMR study on the fluid displacement mechanisms. Fuel, 278, p.118286.

Dong, X., *Shen, L., Liu, X., Zhang, P., Sun, Y., Yan, W., Jiang, L., Wang, F. and Sun, J., 2020. NMR characterization of a tight sand's pore structures and fluid mobility: An experimental investigation for CO2 EOR potential. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 118, p.104460.

Dong, X., Shen, L., Zhao, J., Liu, X., Sun, Y., Golsanami, N., Wang, F., Bi, H. and Zitha, P., 2020. A novel method to evaluate cleaning quality of oil in shale using pyrolysis pyrogram. Energy Science & Engineering, 8(5), pp.1693-1704.

*Shen, L., Schmitt, D.R. and Schultz, R., 2019. Frictional Stabilities on Induced Earthquake Fault Planes at Fox Creek, Alberta: A Pore Fluid Pressure Dilemma. Geophysical Research Letter, 46(15), pp.8753-8762.

*Shen, L., Schmitt, D. R., and Haug, K., 2019, Quantitative constraints to the complete state of stress from the combined borehole and focal mechanism inversions: Fox Creek, Alberta. Tectonophysics, 764,110-123.

Gu, Y. J., and 2Shen, L., 2015. Noise correlation tomography of Southwest Western Canada Sedimentary Basin. Geophysical Journal International, 202(1), pp.142-162.

Gu, Y. J., and 2Shen, L., 2012. Microseismic noise from large ice‐covered lakes?. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 102(3), pp.1155-1166.

Gu, Y. J., Okeler, A., Shen, L., and Contenti, S., 2011. The Canadian Rockies and Alberta Network (CRANE): New constraints on the Rockies and western Canada sedimentary basin. Seismological Research Letters, 82(4), pp.575-588.

Shen, L., Schmitt, D. R., and Haug, K., 2018, In-situ stress measurements for the Duvernay formation near Fox Creek, Alberta, AGS/AER report, REP 97, 34p

Shen, L., Chen, X., Zhang, X., and Zhen, Y., 2018, Characterization of subsurface structure using Microtremor Survey Methods, a case study for the Chengdu Metroline 18. In 2018 SEG Annual Technical Conference. Society of Exploration Geophysicist. Oral Presentation.

Shen, L., and Schmitt, D. R., 2018, Determination of the Anisotropic Mechanical Properties of a Calcareous Shale from the Duvernay Unconventional Reservoir. In 52nd US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium. American Rock Mechanics Association. Poster Presentation.

Shen, L., and Schmitt, D. R., 2017, Modelling Fault Movement Triggered by Fluid Injection Using Cohesive Zone Method. In 51st US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium. American Rock Mechanics Association. Oral Presentation.

Shen, L., Schmitt, D. R., Dokht, R.H., Samsonov, S.V., Singhroy, V., and Shipman, T., 2015, Geomechanical Modelling of Cyclic Steaming Induced Surface Deformation. In SPE Canada Heavy Oil Technical Conference 2015. Society of Petroleum Engineers. Oral Presentation.

Shen, L., Schmitt, D. R., Singhroy, V., Samsonov, S.V., and Shipman, T., 2015, Numerical Assessment of SAGD Subsurface Integrity and Induced Heave. In 2015 World Heavy Oil Congress. Oral Presentation.

Shen, L., Singhroy, V., and Samsonov, S.V., 2014, June. Forward modeling of SAGD-induced heave and caprock deformation analysis. In SPE Heavy Oil Conference-Canada 2014. Society of Petroleum Engineers. Oral Presentation.

Singhroy, V., Li, J., Samsonov, S., Shen, L., and Pearse, J., 2014, July. InSAR monitoring of surface deformation induced by steam injection in the Athabasca oil sands, Canada. In Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2014 IEEE International (pp. 4796-4799). IEEE.

Henschel, M., Shen, L., Shipman, T., Lehrbass, B., and Aube, G., 2014, June. Remotely monitoring of SAGD operations with satellite-based InSAR. In SPE Heavy Oil Conference-Canada. Society of Petroleum Engineers.

Stern, V. H., Schultz, R.J., Shen, L., Gu, Y.J., and Eaton, D.W., 2013. Alberta earthquake catalogue, version 1.0: September 2006 through December 2010. Alberta Geological Survey Open-File Rep, 15, p.36.

Gu, Y. J., Okeler, A., Contenti, S., Kocon, K., Shen, L., and Brzak, K., 2009. Broadband seismic array deployment and data analysis in Alberta. CSEG Recorder, September, pp.37-44.


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